Midtown trove finds and reinstates small forgotten treasures. Our as­sign­ment was to build the brand i­den­ti­ty and to col­lab­o­rate as a long-term creat­ive partner, con­tin­uous­ly as­sis­ting with design.
Inspired by vintage, with a touch of 50’s, 60’s and 70’s punch. The brand re-instated old as beautiful. The branding is based on this mixture through colors and shapes. To instate even more the look of a 70’s vintage, we used serigraphy. Through the instagram account, Midtown Trove has found an original and effective way to lead as a used-vintage and unique shop of carefully selected items, all photographed with care and taste.

print | branding, stickers

digital | social media

   Midtown trove

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